This page contains various guidance, fact sheets and other information related to the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) program. Guidance specific to mitigation and banking can be found on the Mitigation and Banking page of the website Wetland Bank Guidance and Information.
Training videos on wetland identification and basic WCA administration are now available for viewing on the Minnesota Wetland Professional Certification Program Page.
WCA Reporting Form - Calendar Year 2024
The Calendar Year 2024 WCA Reporting Form is now available. All WCA Local Government Units (LGUs) are required to complete and return the reporting form to BWSR by Feb.1, 2025.
Calendar Year 2024 WCA Reporting Form
Statute Changes
Information on the implementation of statute changes that have affected the current WCA rule can be found here.
WCA Topics of the Week
WCA topics of the week are a series of informal fact sheets that provide practical information on WCA program implementation in a question and answer format. They are intended to better clarify and summarize certain aspects of WCA implementation and should be considered as supplemental to WCA statutes, rules and any associated BWSR guidance and policy. Information in these fact sheets are subject to change over time.
Here are the most recent topics of the week:
WCA Wetland Determinations for Channels, Streams, Ditches 12-14-22 (pdf)
Frequently Asked WCA Questions 7-8-21 (pdf)
A complete listing of past Topics of the Week can be found here.
WCA Exemptions Guidance and Policy
Federal Approvals Exemption for Utilities (pdf) - This document provides the standards and conditions for a WCA exemption from replacement under MN Rule Chapter 8420.0420, Subpart 4 (Federal Approvals). WCA rules for this exemption provision require the development of these conditions and standards, approval from BWSR, DNR, Dept. of Ag., and MPCA, and publication of a notice in the State Register. All steps have been completed and the exemption is valid unless and until superseded by future statute, rule or notice in the State Register.
Federal Approvals Memorandum of Understanding (pdf) - Memorandum of Understanding between BWSR, DNR and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding implementation of the WCA Federal Approvals Exemption for Utilities referenced above.
Agricultural Bank Exemption - This is an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that establishes a WCA exemption for certain agricultural activities on agricultural land per MN Rule Chapter 8420.0420 Subpart 2 G. WCA rules for this exemption provision require the development of these conditions and standards, approval from BWSR, DNR, Dept. of Ag., and MPCA, and publication of a notice in the State Register. All steps have been completed and the exemption is valid unless and until superseded by future statute, rule or notice in the State Register.
Forestry Exemption Guidance for LGUs (pdf) (6/23/2004) - Guidance for LGUs for determining landowner qualification for the forestry exemptions (MN Rule Chapter 8420.0420, Subpart 7). Note that the rule citation in the guidance is outdated and the applicable citation in current WCA rule is 8420.0420, Subp. 7. The following links in the document our outdated, and can now be accessed here: Contractor Responsibility and Landowner Statement Form: Sustaining Minnesota Forest Resources: Voluntary Site-Level Forest Management Guidelines document.
WCA Administrative Procedures and Coordination Guidance and Policy
Decision Timelines (pdf) - Information about important WCA compliance timelines.
TEP Meetings Procedures and Timing (pdf) - Information and guidance on Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) procedures and timing.
Coordination with the Public Waters Permit Program (pdf) (11/9/17) - Guidance on the interrelationships between WCA and the Public Waters Permit Program (PWPP). Compares and contrasts the two programs, covers waivers of regulatory authority, discusses DNR involvement in the WCA TEP, provides information on OHWL determinations and discusses public waters wetlands re-classifications.
Technical Guidance and Fact Sheets
Solar Project Guidance (pdf) (5/14/2021) - This guidance document provides a suggested approach for evaluating projects for WCA compliance when they involve the installation of solar panels on posts/pilings.
Rare Natural Communities Technical Guidance (pdf) (11/7/17) - Guidance document identifying general factors for DNR to consider in identifying rare natural communities under the WCA and for LGUs to consider in determining when a proposed project will permanently adversely affect a rare natural community.
Useful Links
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Mapper - shows boundaries of USFWS properties, easements, leases, etc. Use this to screen for potential conflicts of WCA compliance with USFWS restrictions on affected lands.
Minnesota Office of the State Archaeologist Portal Public Map - provides access to the archaeological site inventory and Minnesota Indian Affairs Council's archaeological & cultural sites for all of Minnesota and the Minnesota Statewide Archaeological Predictive Model. Can be used to broadly screen for potential effects on archaeological, historic or cultural resource sites resulting from wetland impacts or replacement per Minnesota Rules 8420.0515 (WCA Special Considerations).
EnviroAtlas Interactive Mapper - EPA-supported mapper with many environmental and natural resource related data layers.