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Purpose: This guidance lists the practices available for users to select within eLINK. Note that not all NRCS FOTG practices are available.

Practices are reported under the Activity Details screen within each Activity.  The available practices in eLINK are listed below, along with a brief description. Practices are filtered by previously selected Activity Category in eLINK.  See the Chart of Practices by Activity Category guidance document when building an application or workplan in eLINK to ensure you are selecting the appropriate Activity Category for your anticipated practices. Not all practices are eligible under all grants.

Description of Practices within eLINK
Practice NameCodeDescription  
Access Control472The temporary or permanent exclusion of animals, people, vehicles, and/or equipment from an area.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 472 and 382.  
Access Road560A travel way constructed as part of a conservation plan.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 560.  
Alley Cropping311Trees/Shrubs planted in sets of single or multiple rows.  Then agronomic crops, horticultural crops, or forages produced in the alleys between the sets of woody plants.  
Alternative Tile Intake - Dense Pattern Tiling170MReplacement of existing open tile inlet(s) with water quality improvement inlet(s), e.g. dense pattern tile. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 606 Subsurface Drain, as applicable.  
Alternative Tile Intake - Gravel Inlet172MReplacement of existing open tile inlet(s) with water quality improvement inlet(s), e.g. gravel inlet. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 606 Subsurface Drain, as applicable.  
Alternative Tile Intake - Other Blind Intake173MReplacement of existing open tile inlet(s) with water quality improvement inlet(s), e.g. blind intake. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 606 Subsurface Drain, as applicable.  
Alternative Tile Intake - Perforated Riser Intake171MReplacement of existing open tile inlet(s) with water quality improvement inlet(s), e.g. perforated riser intake. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 606 Subsurface Drain, as applicable.  
Chemical Treatment (formerly Alum Addition - In Lake)563MIn-lake, in-wet pond, in-wetland system and passive flow through chemical treatment systems designed to enhance the settling of sediment or nutrients. Includes aluminum sulfate, ferric chloride, limestone, and spent lime treatments and treatment systems.  
Anaerobic Digester366A managed temperature biological waste treatment facility.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 366.  
Animal Mortality Facility316On-farm facility for the treatment or disposal of livestock carcasses. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 316.  
Aquatic Vegetation Management565MUse of chemical or mechanical means to control submergent and/or emergent aquatic vegetation, including drawdowns.  Requires a MNDNR Permit.  
Beneficial Trees and/or Shrubs723MFlowering trees and shrubs with quality nectar and pollen for bees in the spring. Use this practice for Lawns to Legumes and HELP grants only.  
Bioretention Basin712MAbove ground, site-integrated design practice that provides for stormwater runoff infiltration or filtration, storage and water uptake by perennial vegetation. Practice design may or may not include an underdrain. Includes bioretention and bioinfiltration practices and raingardens as per the MN Stormwater Manual.  
Brush Management314Management or removal of woody plants including, but not limited to, those that are invasive and noxious. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 314.  
Chloride - Anti-ice502MAnti-icing solution applied before snow cover to prevent bond from forming between frozen precipitation and pavement.  
Chloride - Equipment Upgrades504MImprovements to winter maintenance application equipment such as calibration, ground-oriented automated spreader controls, etc.  
Chloride - pre-wet505MUse of pre-wetted product mixes to reduce ocverall application of salt.  
Chloride - Reduce Waste/Spills506MWinter Maintenance practices to reduce or eliminate run-off of chloride containing materials into ground water lakes and rivers.  Such practices include truck overfilling/ equipment malfunctions causing spills, over-application on surfaces, etc.  
Chloride Reduction503MAll other practices to decrease or eliminate the use of chloride-containing materials including summer gravel road practices and reduction of chloride use from water softeners.  Practice should be identified in the description field.  
Chloride - Storage and Maintenance507MWinter Maintenance practices to store inside or a covered structure to minimize or prevent run-off of chloride containing material into ground water lakes and rivers (does not include covering materials with a tarp)  
Clearing and Snagging326Removing snags, drifts, or other obstructions from a channel.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 326.  
Closure of Waste Impoundments360Closure of waste impoundments no longer used for their intended purpose. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 360.  
Composting Facility317Facility to process raw manure or other raw organic by-products into biologically stable organic material. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 317.  
Conservation Cover327Establishing and maintaining permanent vegetative cover with the intent of reducing soil erosion. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 327.  
Conservation Crop Rotation328Growing a planned sequence of various crops on the same piece of land for a variety of conservation purposes.  Crops to consider include high-residue producing crops, forages, perennials, and those that allow the use of other conservation practices such as cover crops.  
Contaminant Source Inventory300MInventory of potential contaminant sources that may degrade the state’s water resources.  
Contour Buffer Strips332Contour buffer strips are strips of permanent vegetation alternated down the slope with wider cultivated strips that are farmed on the contour.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 332.  
Contour Farming330Contour farming entails farming along the contour such that ridges, furrows and planting are perpendicular to the slope of the land. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 330.  
Cooperative Weed Management Area613MEstablishment of Cooperative Weed Management Areas for the control of invasive plant species and noxious weeds.  
Cover Crop340Crops or other herbaceous plants established for seasonal cover and conservation purposes. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 340.  
Critical Area Planting342Establishing permanent vegetation on sites that have, or are expected to have, high erosion rates. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 342.  
Dam402An artificial barrier that can impound water for one or more beneficial purposes.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 402.  
Denitrifying Bioreactor605A structure containing a carbon source installed to intercept subsurface drain (tile) flow or ground water, and reduce the concentration of nitrate-nitrogen.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 747.  
Diversion362A channel generally constructed across the slope with a supporting ridge on the lower side.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 362.  
Drainage System Inventory304MInventory of drainage systems  
Drainage Water Management554Process of managing water discharges from surface and/or subsurface agricultural drainage systems. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 554.  
Early Successional Habitat Development/Management647Management designed to achieve desired plant community structure (density, vertical and horizontal cover, etc.) and plant species diversity in order to develop and maintain early successional habitat to benefit desired wildlife and/or natural communities.  
Erosion Control148MAn engineered or ecological practice that is not otherwise recognized that is installed with the intent of reducing soil erosion or protecting a vulnerable site from potential future losses from soil erosion.  
Enhanced Street Sweeping516MIncreased frequency of street sweeping activities that occur in prioritized areas and conducted during key times of the year.  
Feedlot Inventory301MInventory of feedlots.  
Feedlot Relocation/Retirement391MThe closure of a feedlot; either permanently or as part of a relocation within the general property. Mapped point should reflect the closed feedlot.  
Fence382A constructed barrier to provide a means to control the movement of animals, people, and vehicles to accomplish specific conservation objectives.  
Field Border386A strip of permanent vegetation (grasses, forbs, shrubs) established at the edge or around the perimeter of a field. It's use can support or connect other buffer practices within and between fields.  Applies to cropland and grazing lands.  
Filter Strip393A strip or area of herbaceous vegetation that removes contaminants from overland flow. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 386 and 393 and vegetated filter strips as per the MN Stormwater Manual. Does not include 412M practices.  
Filtration Practices811MAbove or below ground constructed devices or systems that provides water quality treatment by filtration or sieving stormwater runoff through media (gravel, sand, biochar, spent-lime, etc.), geotextile or fabric material, metal or plastic screen, or other material. Includes filtration basins, filtration trenches, dry wells, underground filtration systems, filtration tree trenches or tree boxes, filtration stormwater planters, sand filters, enhanced sand filters, inserts, or stormwater pond perimeter filtration benches as per the MN Stormwater Manual. Does not include 393, 412, 712M, or 804M practices.  
Fish Management392MThe manipulation of species composition and/or control of exotic fish species for the  purposes of water quality improvement or protection.  
Forest Management Plan508MA state recognized management plan that includes recommendations for forest management activities.  May be a forest stewardship plan or a Small Acreage Assessment.  
Forestry Management147MThe manipulation of species composition, stand structure and stocking by cutting or killing selected trees and understory vegetation. Altering site conditions by controlling or eliminating undesirable vegetation.  Also includes planting species with the intention of manipulating the woody diversity on the landscape.  Includes  NRCS Practice(s) 490 and 666.  
Forest Stand Improvement666The manipulation of forest species composition, stand structure, or stand density by cutting or killing selected trees or understory vegetation to achieve desired forest conditions or obtain ecosystem services (increase habitat, water yield, carbon storage, etc.)  
Grade Stabilization Structure410A structure used to stabilize the grade or to control gully erosion in natural or constructed channels. Includes open weir, pipe-drop drainage structures, side-inlet controls for existing drainage ditches and/or streams. Includes NRCS practice(s) 410. Also includes the stabilziation of eroding ravines and other steeps slopes with grade stab structure(s) utilized in conjunction with other practice types.   
Grassed Waterway and Swales412A shaped or graded channel that is established with suitable vegetation to carry surface water at a non-erosive velocity using a broad and shallow cross section to a stable outlet. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 412. Does not include 415M, 811M, and 812M practices.  
Green Roof805MA building rooftop stormwater practice which consists of a series of layers to create an environment suitable for plant growth without damaging the underlying roof system, to capture precipitation for infiltration or filtration. Includes green roofs or green rooftops as per the MN Stormwater Manual. Does not include NRCS Practice(s) 558.  
Groundwater Monitoring500MMonitoring of groundwater for quantity or quality.  
Heavy Use Area Protection561The stabilization of areas frequently and intensively used by people, animals, or vehicles by surfacing with suitable materials (use is continued).  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 561.  
Infiltration Trench803MAbove or below grade constructed practices or systems that capture and temporarily store stormwater runoff to allow for infiltration into the underlying soil. Practice or system design do not include an underdrain. Includes infiltration basins, infiltration trenches, dry wells, underground infiltration systems, infiltration tree trenches or tree boxes, infiltration stormwater planters, or stormwater pond perimeter infiltration benches as per the MN Stormwater Manual. Does not include 393, 412, 712M, or 804M practices.  
Inspections301M-2A documented visit to a field site to ensure that a state funded conservation activity is being maintained as per an approved Operations and Maintenance (O&M) plan.  
Irrigation Water Management449The process of determining and controlling the volume, frequency and application of irrigation water in a planned, efficient manner.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 442 and 449.  
Land Reclamation, Abandoned Mined Land543Reclamation of land and water areas adversely affected by past mining activities.  
LiDAR Derived Product(s)306MDevelopment of new Lidar-derived data products (not analysis or use of existing Lidar products). Examples of new LiDAR products would include hydromodified DEMs, flow networks, contours, etc.  
Lined Waterway or Outlet468A waterway or protected outlet section having an erosion-resistant lining of concrete, stone, synthetic turf reinforcement fabrics, or other permanent material. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 468.  
Multi-stage Ditch807MAlternatives to traditional trapezoidal drainage ditch design; contains an inset channel at the bottom that passes the channel forming flow and floodplain benches on either side that convey less frequent, high-discharge events with an objective to mimic the function of natural systems.  
Multi-story Cropping379Managing existing or planted stands of trees/shrubs that are managed as on overstory with an understory of woody and/or non-woody plants that are grown for a variety of products. Does not apply to land that is grazed. Requires the development and implementation of a forest management plan.  
Native Vegetation Enhancement726MEnhancement of existing native vegetation to benefit pollinators, birds, insects, wildlife species or guilds.  
Native Pocket Planting: Small Garden719 M

Small native plant garden designed to benefit pollinators through the season. Use this practice for Lawns to Legumes and HELP grants only.

Native Pocket Planting: Raingarden720MSmall native pollinator planting, installed within a raingarden, designed to benefit pollinators through the season. Use this practice for Lawns to Legumes and HELP grants only.  
Native Pocket Planting: Shoreline Buffer721MSmall native pollinator planting, installed within a shoreline buffer, designed to benefit pollinators through the season. Use this practice for Lawns to Legumes and HELP grants only.  
Native Pocket Planting: Boulevard722MSmall native pollinator planting, installed within a boulevard, designed to benefit pollinators through the season. Use this practice for Lawns to Legumes grants and HELP only.  
Nutrient Management590Managing the amount (rate), source, placement (method of application), and timing of applications of plant nutrients, manure, and other soil amendments. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 590.  
Nutrient Management Plan509MDevelopment of a plan for nutrient management, including recommendations for rate, source, placement, and timing of plant nutrients and soils amendments.  
Obstruction Removal500Removal and disposal of  buildings, structures, other works of improvement, vegetation, debris, or other materials with the intention of improving or protecting water quality, managing water quantity, or reducing soil erosion.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 500.  
Pasture and Hay Planting (formerly Forage and Biomass Planting)512Establishing adapted and/or compatible species, varieties, or cultivars or herbaceous species suitable for pasture, hay, or biomass production.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 512.  
Permeable Surfaces804MIncludes, but is not limited to: porous pavement, permeable concrete, pervious pavers, and other surfaces installed to enhance infiltration.  
Pest Management595A site-specific combination of pest prevention, pest avoidance, pest monitoring, and pest suppression strategies. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 595.  
Pollinator Lawn724MA fine fescue lawn or other grasses mixed with low-growing flowers to support pollinators. Use this practice for Lawns to Legumes and HELP grants only.  
Pollinator Meadow725MA relatively large expanse of native plants, reminiscent of a prairie plant community. Use this practice for Lawns to Legumes and HELP grants only.  
Policy Development511MThe development of local land use regulations related to protection or improvement of water quality or the reduction of soil erosion.  Includes, but not limited to, the development of local ordinances.  
Pond for Water Use378A water impoundment by constructing a dam or embankment or by excavating a pit or dugout.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 378.  
Pond, Push-up163M   
Prescribed Burning338The use of controlled fire in a predetermined area to enhance or restore the desired vegetative condition. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 338.  
Prescribed Grazing528Management-intensive system of controlled harvest of vegetation with grazing animals.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 556 and 528.  
Presentations100MIncludes development of and providing presentations.  Does not including attending presentations (use training code).  
Publications105MIncludes development, printing, publishing, and distribution of materials.  
Pumping Plant533A pumping facility installed to transfer water for a conservation need.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 533.  
Ravine/Gully Inventory302MInventories of gullies and ravines.  
Residue & Tillage Management, no/strip-till (formerly Conservation Tillage)329Limiting soil disturbance to manage the amount, orientation, and distribution of crop and plan residue on the soil surface year round. No full-width soil disturbance. The crop interval STIR value shall be no greater than 20.  
Residue & Tillage Management (reduced till)345Managing the amount, orientation, and distribution of residue on the soil surface while limiting soil-disturbing activities used to grow and harvest crops in systems with full field tillage.  The STIR value rating shall be no greater than 80.  
Restoration and Management of Declining Habitats643Restoring, conserving, and managing unique or diminishing native terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 643.  
Riparian Forest Buffer391An area predominantly trees and/or shrubs located adjacent to and upgradient from watercourses or waterbodies.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 391.  
Riparian Herbaceous Cover390Grasses, grass-like plants and forbs that are tolerant of intermittent flooding or saturated soils and that are established or managed in the transitional zone between terrestrial and aquatic habitats.  Includes NRCS practice(s) 322 and 390.  
Roof Runoff Management558Structures that collect, control, and transport precipitation from roofs.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 558; does not include green roofs.  
Rotational Grazing808M   
Saturated Buffer604A saturated buffer is a vegetated, riparian buffer in which the water table is artificially raised by diverting much of the water from a subsurface drainage system.  
Screening, Straining, or Hydrodynamic Separation Practices812MAbove or below ground screening and straining devices that provide water quality treatment by trapping coarse, sediment, debris & floatables in stormwater runoff. Flow-through structures, typically underground, that have rotating flow mechanics to provide water quality treatment by trapping sediment, oils, floatables and/or provides a high level of filtration or screening of stormwater runoff. Typically utilized as part of a stormwater runoff treatment train approach and not as a stand-alone treatment practice. Includes proprietary hydrodynamic separation devices/systems, filter checks, swales with filter checks, or stormwater drainage structures with a hood, baffle, or screen as per the MN Stormwater Manual.  
Sediment Basin350A detention basin designed to capture sediment constructed with an engineered outlet, formed by constructing an embankment, excavating a dugout, or combination of both. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 350. Does not include 155M, 712M, 803M, 811M, 812M, or 813M practices.  
Sediment Removal (formerly Pond Maintenance)164MRemoval of accumulated sediment to restore functionality of constructed structural practices after the effective life of the practice, removal of accumulated sediment at storm sewer pipe outfalls to surface water resources, or sediment removal associated with flood recovery.   
Septic System Improvement126MImprovements that repair or replace subsurface sewage treatment systems (SSTS).  
Silvopasture381The establishment and/or management of desired trees/shrubs and compatible forages on the same land unit. This practice may be applied on any area that is suitable for production of forages, trees, and livestock on the same acres.  
Sinkhole Treatment527The treatment of sinkholes in karst areas to reduce contamination of groundwater resources.  
SSTS Inventory305MInventories of subsurface sewage treatment systems (SSTS).  
Staff Time101MThe hourly wage, fringe benefits, and other real costs associated with providing a local government staff person or contractor to work on a specified practice or activity for a specified period of time, and as allowed by the specific grant program.  
Storage and Settling Practices813MAbove and below grade storage and settling devices or systems that provides water quality treatment of stormwater runoff by gravitational settling. Typically utilized as part of a stormwater runoff treatment train approach and not as a stand-alone treatment practice. Includes proprietary settling devices or stormwater drainage structure with a sump. Does not include 155M and 811M practices.  
Storage and Treatment Wetland Restoration810MA wetland restoration having a primary focus on storage and treatment of surface and subsurface drainage water to reduce peak flows, erosion, and nutrient and sediment transport to receiving waters.  This activity requires a perpetual flowage and conservation easement to be held by the Chapter 103E drainage system.  
Storm Water Retention Basins155MConstructed or modified wet ponded basins or pretreatment forebays, or constructed wetland treatment systems designed to provide runoff rate/quantity and water quality control. This includes wet ponds, stormwater ponds, ponded pretreatment forebays, constructed wetland treatment systems, stormwater or modified wetlands, or expansion of storage capacity to wet ponds, pretreatment forebays, or constructed wetland systems as per the MN Stormwater Manual. Does not include practice 810M.  
Stream Crossing578

 A stabilized area or structure constructed across a stream to provide controlled access for people, livestock, equipment, or vehicles.

Stream Channel Stabilization584Measures used to stabilize the bed or bottom of a channel.  Includes NRCS practice(s) 584.  
Streambank and Shoreline Protection580Treatment(s) used to stabilize and protect banks of streams or constructed channels, and shorelines of lakes, reservoirs, or estuaries.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 580.  
Street Sweeping515MEquipment Upgrades. Street sweeping equipment upgrades such as vacuum, regenerative air, and high-efficiency/new technology street sweepers.  
Stripcropping585Growing planned rotations of row crops, forages, small grains, or fallow in a systematic arrangement of equal width strips across a field. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 585.  
Structure for Water Control587A structure in a water management system that conveys water, controls the direction or rate of flow, maintains a desired surface water elevation or measures water. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 587.  
Subwatershed Analysis510MAnalysis completed to identify targeted areas within a larger watershed for installation of best management practices.  
Surface Water Monitoring501MMonitoring of surface waters; may include lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, etc.  
Survey102MCollection of quantitative or qualitative data about a population.  
Terrace600An earth embankment, or combination ridge and channel, constructed across the field slope. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 600.  
Tile System Design809MSelecting tile system parameters that acknowledge the tradeoffs between agronomic benefit and environmental impacts.  
Training103MIncludes staff costs for attending training.  Does not include development of or providing training to others - use workshops/clinics or presentation code.  
Tree/Shrub Establishment612Establishing woody plants by planting seedlings, cuttings, or container/potted plants; not for direct seeding or natural regeneration. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 612.  
Turf Management806MManagement or retro-fit of turfed areas, conversion of turf to perennial native vegetation for stormwater runoff rate/quantity and water quality control.  
Upland Wildlife Habitat Management645Provide and manage upland habitats and connectivity within the landscape for wildlife. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 645.  
Vegetated Swales415MA shallow, linear shaped, graded, or stablized channel that is established with perennial vegetation to carry stormwater runoff or surface water at a non-erosive velocity. Includes bioinfiltration/biofiltration dry swales or bioswales, biofiltration wet swales, or bioinfiltration/biofiltration high-gradient stormwater step-pool swales as per the MN Stormwater Manual. Does not include 412, 811M, and 812M practices.  
Vegetated Treatment Area635An area of permanent vegetation used to improve water quality by reducing loading of nutrients, organics, pathogens, and other contaminants associated with livestock, poultry, and other agricultural operations.  
Walk-In Access325M   
Waste Facility Cover367A rigid, semi-rigid, or flexible manufactured membrane, composite material, or roof structure placed over a waste management facility.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 367.  
Waste Management System312A planned system in which all necessary components are installed for properly managing liquid and solid waste including runoff from concentrated waste areas. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 312.  
Waste Storage Facility313A waste storage impoundment made by constructing an embankment and/or excavating a pit or dugout, or by fabricating a structure - for temporary storage. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 313.  
Waste Treatment629The mechanical, chemical, or biological treatment of milking center wastewater.  Includes NRCS practice(s) 629.  
Waste Utilization633Using agricultural wastes such as manure and wastewater or other organic residues.  Includes NRCS practice(s) 633.  
Water and Sediment Control Basin638Applicable for agricultural runoff management. An earth embankment, or combination ridge and channel, generally constructed across the slope and minor watercourses to form a sediment trap and water detention basin. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 638.  
Water Reuse636A constructed system that captures and retains stormwater runoff or rainwater for beneficial use/reuse. The system usually contains components including a collection system, storage unit, treatment system, and distribution system and includes water use/reuse systems as per the MN Stormwater Manual.  
Water Well642A hole drilled, dug, driven, bored, jetted, or otherwise constructed to an aquifer for water supply.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 642.  
Watering Facility614A permanent or portable device to provide an adequate amount and quality of drinking water for livestock and/or wildlife. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 614.  
Well Decommissioning351The sealing and permanent closure of an inactive, abandoned, or unusable water well.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 351.  
Wetland Creation658Constructed wetlands, sometimes called treatment wetlands, are man-made systems engineered to approximate the water-cleansing process of natural wetlands. Includes NRCS Practices 656 and 658.  
Wetland Inventory303MInventory of wetlands.  
Wetland Restoration657A rehabilitation of a degraded wetland where the soils, hydrology, vegetative community, and biological habitat are returned to the natural condition to the extent practicable. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 657.  
Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management644Retaining, developing, or managing wetland habitat for wetland wildlife.  
Wildlife Habitat Planting420Used to establish native or nonnative herbaceous vegetation and shrubs, or reestablish native and historic habitat communities, in order to improve wildlife habitat. Should not be used for tree or forage establishment, wetland restoration projects, or conservation systems where erosion control or water quality is the primary resource concern.  
Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment380Linear planting of single or multiple rows of trees or shrubs or sets of linear plantings.  Includes NRCS Practice(s) 380.  
Windbreak/Shelterbelt Renovation650Replacing, adding, and/or removing selected branches, trees and/or shrubs or rows within an existing windbreak or shelterbelt. Includes NRCS Practice(s) 650.  
Workshop/Clinics104MIncludes development of and providing workshops and clinics.  Does not including attending workshops or clinics (use training code).  


If the subcategory you are looking for is not in this list, contact your Board Conservationist or submit a request for a new category to elinksupport@state.mn.us with the subject line of “Suggestions for Improvement.”


If you have an eLINK question, please email elinksupport@state.mn.us or if you encounter an eLINK error message please submit an elinksupport ticket via the Support form in eLINK.