Press releases are a great way to share the successful programs, projects and initiatives your organization is working on.

We've put together some tips for writing a press release that is more likely to get picked up by your local media outlets.

  • A press release should be as brief as possible and to-the-point.  
  • Lead with your main message and most important message, and follow with details.  
  • Try to keep your press release to one page if you can. 
  • Title matters, especially if you are emailing your release. If a reporter is scanning their Inbox, you want your press release to stand out. 
  • Contact name and telephone number should be prominently featured at the top of the page. The number you list should be one that is answered by an actual person so that a reporter can be connected right away with someone that can help them. 
  • Include quotes to give your press release color. Quotes can be from your administrator or someone else connected to your organization.  If the press release involves a community project, additional quotes from someone outside the organization are a great asset for your press release. 
  • As much as you can, follow AP Style.  The AP Stylebook is available for purchase.  You can find an overview of this style of writing here:  
  • Press releases aren’t the place to editorialize.  Just the facts. 
  • Proof your work!  Then ask someone else to do the same. 
  • After you issue your press release, make sure to follow up with the reporters and publications you think are most important to getting your message out.  That personal touch can make a big difference.

The Press Release template in the tools and resources section below can help you get started


Mary Juhl
Communications Coordinator