Contact: Mary Juhl;, 612-358-5733
BLOOMINGTON, Minn. — Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) Executive Director John Jaschke presented the 2023 Outstanding Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Employee award to Olmsted SWCD District Manager Skip Langer during the annual Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts’ (MASWCD) convention in Bloomington.
“It’s a privilege to recognize the accomplishments of professionals like Skip Langer, who work diligently to improve and protect water and soil resources in their districts,” Jaschke said. “The passion and commitment demonstrated by local government staff is what drives successful conservation delivery throughout Minnesota.”
Langer joined the district as a conservation technician in 1998 and was promoted to district manager in 2015. He oversees a team of seven full time employees, plus seasonal and regional staff. He was instrumental in developing a new program launched in 2022 to address groundwater protection and soil health, helping to secure $5 million in Olmsted County funding to support producers who implement best management practices such as cover crops, alternative crops and increased haying and grazing. He’s taken leadership roles in complex, multi-government projects such as the South Branch Cascade Creek restoration and development project, which restored a former 40-acre golf course to its natural habitat. Langer has also contributed to the Root River One Watershed, One Plan comprehensive watershed management planning process.
“Olmsted SWCD is a small but mighty team, and Langer promotes that culture from the top,” said Cheryl Winters, Olmsted SWCD District 3 supervisor, who nominated Langer along with the full Board of Supervisors. “His expertise and leadership are often sought after across the southeast Minnesota region, and his technical knowledge and in-depth understanding of the water quality and conservation issues strengthens the quality of our work.”
Each year, BWSR celebrates the excellent work accomplished by local government staff to advance conservation efforts across the state. An award for the 2023 Outstanding Watershed District Employee was presented to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Director of Projects Michael Hayman on Nov. 30 during the Minnesota Watersheds’ annual conference in Alexandria.